Child Protection Policy:


To provide support and take the appropriate action for students who are subject to a concern regarding a Child Protection issue.
1. The school follows the procedures as laid down by the Education Sport and Culture Department Child Protection Policy and Guidance.
2. Staff will follow school guidelines related to Confidentiality Policy.
3. Copies of all relevant documents on Child Protection are held by The Designated Teacher for Child Protection and the Headteacher.
4. All staff have access to the Education Sport and Culture Department Child Protection Policy and Guidance via the staff drive on the school system (staff data, child protection). Hard copies are displayed in the staffroom.
5. All staff will be given an update on Child Protection Guidelines at the start of the academic year. All new staff will receive information on Child Protection Policy and Procedures during their induction process.
6. All managers within the school will ensure their department staff read the Guidelines on Child Protection.
7. When disclosure is made it is essential that staff elicit only as much information as is necessary to establish whether there is a cause for concern. Staff should not use leading questions. It is essential to follow this as there may be a risk of contamination of evidence should the matter be taken to court. Staff should refer if in doubt. Staff should refer to the Policy for advice on documenting the information.
8. When member of staff is satisfied that there is cause for concern, the Designated Teacher must be notified as soon as possible.
9. All referrals to the Child Protection Team are currently referred through the Assistant Head teacher (Designated Teacher) or School Counselor. If unavailable referral should be made to the Head teacher.
10. The Designated Teacher co-ordinates all referral information, prepares reports for Case Conferences and attends all Child Protection Case Conferences. In some circumstances this may be delegated to another senior member of staff or School Counselor.
11. Confidential and sensitive reports will be placed on student files in sealed envelopes with instructions as to the people authorized to have sight of such information.
12. Issues or concerns relating to inappropriate use of mobile phones, video recording or internet use should be referred to the Head teacher or Designated Teacher for Child Protection.
Staff wishing to use students in video recordings in lessons should check student’s records to ensure that parental/carer’s permission has been granted



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