1. Class
KG Section
Foundation in reading, creative writing, communication, science and
mathematics are establish and strengthened in a caring and stimulating
environment, where in the learning process is made positive and meaning
full. In addition to individual study, students also participate in
group-work at this stage, which encourages the development of
cooperative and team working skills.
Primary Section
It is here that we step in to facilitate and ensure that the child
misses out on none of the above. To see that his/her class-work and an
enquiring bent of mind go hand-in-hand we endeavor to foster appropriate
skills and abilities to enable the optimum development of the child,
according to their age, ability and aptitude, right from their primary
Objectives of the Primary Year faculty:
To help the child develop a happy and positive learning
To foster an attitude of adjustment to the learning environment
To make the student a confident and an independent learner
To help the student develop and maintain intrinsic motivation-resulting
in self-initiated, self directed activity
To teach the students tolerance and show respect for others
To teach them ethics, politeness and etiquettes
To help them learn to imbibe independent learning and assimilate and
assimilate positive habits.
Middle Section: The Middle years are Grades VI-VIII. The transition
phase is the phase when a student passes through a Critical period of
Physical, Mental and Emotional Change; from Childhood to Adolescence. At
Social Model Senior Secondary School, we understand this balance and
realize the need to stay alert focused to make it a learning phase
especially for the emotional equilibrium which will sustain them for
We design classroom presentation to meet the students’ needs and
abilities. The Middle Years faculty works with students individually.
Teachers plan, evaluate and assign lesson; prepare, administer, and
grade tests.
Objective of the Middle Year faculty:
To offer a solid base in the academic areas to career to the varying
needs of students and prepare them for high school.
To offer students the opportunity to explore a wide range of different
To provide a platform to the students to develop their leadership
traits, sense of responsibility and decision-making ability.
To provide opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular
activities such as drama, debate, athletics with emphasis on
participation rather than competition.
To enable students to learn and integrate technology and its application
with other subjects.
High School
The High School Proposes to provide pupils with the very best of
globally accepted education for Grades IX-XII. During these years,
students prepare themselves for their entrance into the world of higher
education in accordance with their Academic Inclination and caliber.
Objectives at the final stage (where they have to leave the portals) of
the school are designed to:
Counsel and prepare the students for higher education
Help them enter the university of their choice by providing them with
the sound academic and organization skills. Further improvise and
improve the hands on application based learning skills for tackling real
life situations. Foster the spirit of inter-community harmony – live and
let live policy. We, therefore strive to provide education that will
enable the student to optimize their physical and mental development and
ensure a healthy and vigorous life full of zeal and enthusiasm.
House system
School has 4 houses, clubs consisting of students as collective members
to maintain the discipline of school name Cambridge Pioneer for girls.
Duties of Oxford & Cerritos for boys include take care of school
environment, plantation of trees & for many other activities. Eco club
of our school celebrates Annual Day, Teachers Day, Independence Day,
Republic Day and Children’s Day every year.
There is a rich and rewarding (and really exciting) life outside the
classroom at Social Day Boarding’s. Clubs and societies that meet at
lunchtime include Computing, Chess, Debating, Art, Science, in addition
to the music and sports activities. These all add to the student
experience at our school. If we do not offer something that students
would like, then we encourage them to start up a club themselves. Drama
at school is exceptional with three productions per year including a
full musical production. Beyond the school boundaries there are numerous
opportunities including language exchanges and visits to our partner
school in India. Students also have the opportunity to participate in
the Award scheme. Life as a student at Social Convent’s is varied,
stimulating and utterly unforgettable
Technological Studies Advantages
Technological studies provide students with essential learning skills
required during their present and future educational experiences. Life
skills including problem solving, self confidence and hands-on learning
will enhance a student's ability to understand and relate to all subject
topics. Technology allows students to enter university and college
courses with confidence and with additional skills necessary to complete
courses successfully. Skills learned in Technological Studies courses
can be used to obtain excellent income resources while a student is
attending a post secondary school institution. Technological Studies can
also provide students with a direct path to the work place, gaining
skilled employment with excellent income opportunities.
Drama Skills / Future Applications
• Improves communication skills – ideal for high school seminars and
presentations and careers as teachers and lawyers, etc.
• Drama students learn acting, stage movement, voice production as well
as costume and set design, technical theatre (sound and light
• Drama students can study a variety of related courses at university or
college level or move direct to workplace and apprenticeships.
Visual Art
This is an exploratory activity that provides a foundational overview of
visual arts. Students become familiar with the elements and principles
of design by using a range of media, processes, techniques, and styles.
Students interpret art within a personal, contemporary, and historical
This activity allows students to develop their skills in producing and
presenting art by introducing them to new ideas, materials, and
processes for artistic exploration and experimentation. Students apply
the elements and principles of design when exploring the creative
process. It enables students to further develop their knowledge and
skills in visual arts. Students use the creative process to explore a
wide range of themes through studio work. Students use the critical
analysis process when evaluating their own work and the work of others.
The activity focuses on enabling students to refine their use of the
creative process when creating and presenting two- and three-dimensional
art works using a variety of traditional and emerging media and
technologies. Students use the critical analysis process to deconstruct
art works. Students will also make connections between various works of
art in personal, contemporary, historical, and cultural contexts.
2. ART &
The world speaks to me in colors, my soul answers in music.
Rabindranath Tagore
The primary goal of Art Education program in the Social Model Senior
Secondary School is the holistic growth of the individual. We firmly
believe that Education in arts is essential to student’s intellectual,
social, physical, and only develop the ability to think creatively and
critically, but also develop physical coordination and the ability to
work both independently and with others. In addition, the creative and
practical work encourage students to express themselves in both verbal
and non-verbal ways, and can enable them to discover and develop
abilities that can prove to be rich sources of pleasure later in life.
Art Education Program comprises of two branches of fine arts.
• Visual Arts
• Drawing & Painting
• Clay modelling/Sculpture
• Performing Arts
• Music
• Dance
• Theatre
The program ensures that at each level of program students not only
build skills but also become more comfortable and confident in meeting
the challenges of aesthetic life. Art Education Program is planned for
all educational levels form pre-school to the senior school. At each
grade level, art
experience has been organized with degree of intensity and complexity.
3. Primary
Our curriculum delivers a personalized, creative learning experience for
all our pupils and can be defined as everything we do and every
experience the children have.
It is a carefully planned, thematic approach to teaching and learning
designed to support children's natural curiosity and stimulate their
We offer and provide children the opportunity to work in depth, giving
them the time they need to reflect, consolidate and transfer their
learning. Independent learning alongside adult led learning has a high
profile; we pay close attention to the differences between our children,
planning activities to challenge and support rather than teach them as a
homogenous whole.
Direct experience is placed at the centre of the curriculum so that
teachers draw out and develop children's thinking and capacities in
meaningful contexts. Knowledge, skills and understanding are expressed
in a range of different media and ways, often making effective use of
the creative arts. Children, adults and parents work with each other,
drawing resources from the school, locality and wider community to
create a challenging, distinctive and exciting curriculum which covers a
broad range of curriculum areas:
Emotional intelligence,
Creative arts,
Health and wellbeing,
Religious education,
Science, technology,
Outdoor education,
Physical education,
History and geography and citizenship.
All of these are taught to girls from the age of 4.
All our children have an entitlement to a well – resourced and rich
learning environment that promotes their sense of responsibility and
autonomy, helping children to become: successful learners, confident
individuals, responsibly citizens and effective contributors. We plan a
curriculum that reflects our community and the talents and interests of
all our pupils. We believe that strong, effective relationships are at
the heart of learning and our curriculum reflects our values of:
Relationships, Independence, Creativity, Spirituality, Collaboration and
4. Performing
Our performing arts department is run by our head of Drama, and her team
of specialist performing arts teachers.
We have a strong tradition of Drama and Performing Arts. All our
students, from Reception to Year 8, are provided with one hour of drama
a week. We also offer a Performance studies, which incorporates drama,
dance and music and is specially tailored by our team to cater for our
students' individual talents and aspirations.
We have enjoyed a huge amount of success in this area over the last few
years and we regularly attract students from the other private secondary
schools, keen to study performing arts.
Our dedicated teams also provide one on one audition preparation and
training for students hoping to study drama or dance at higher
At Social Model, we passionately support the notion of offering every
student the opportunity to shine in their chosen area of interest. We
believe performing arts help our students to gain confidence and develop
their team building skills. It also trains them to work to a deadline
and develops both their communication skills and their problem solving
In addition to our curriculum activities we offer a whole range of
extracurricular activities to those students with a passion for
performing arts:
Drama Eisteddfod: We regularly have great success at all ages in the
Drama Eisteddfod, winning classes, platinum certificates and whole group
cups for a variety of disciplines including mime, scripted and dance
Liturgical Dance: Every second year we perform a liturgical dance at our
feast day on December. The most recent one documented one woman's fight
against breast cancer to the track.
School musical or play: Every second year we put on a musical or play.
They are always a resounding success and a sell-out. Students take
responsibility for lighting, sound, consume design, make up, set design
and creation, program design and development.
House drama and House dance: Our students run these extremely popular
events themselves, with support from our Performing Arts team.
Drama club: We run a junior and a senior drama club where students
practice and develop their talent.
Activities Week: Activities Week offers fantastic opportunities for
drama enthusiasts. We run an 'express production' and a drama trip on
alternate years. The express production involves staging a show in four
days, performing it on the fifth day.
Many of our students go on forge a career in Performing Arts, with
recent alumni working in the music industry, theatre production, make up
and musical and acting theatre and theatre management. Others continue
to practice their passion while in full time employment or higher
5. After school club (Especially for Girls)
Our after school activity club, caters for our girls age 4-11 between
3.30pm and 5.30pm.
Feedback from parents in one of our questionnaires highlighted the need
for an after school facility to help busy parents and to offer onsite
enrichment activities.
It provides fun and stimulating care for children after school in a safe
and friendly environment managed by staff from within the school team.
The staff members already know the girls and their families which is a
benefit for all involved; they are all trained in first aid and have a
wealth of experience in working with young children.
Parents can select to send their daughters at the end of each term for
the following term and can opt for the first session 3.30-4.30, the
second session 4.30-5.30 or both on a variety of days. Session fees will
then be added to the termly fee note. All the children will receive a
nutritional snack and our aim is that they are involved in its
We structure the beginning of the sessions by offering a choice of two
group activities, usually a craft and sport activity. Children can
choose what they want to do after then and the choices are growing:
• arts and crafts
• computer games and skills
• outdoor sports and games
• reading
• board games
• computer time
• baking
• gardening
• dressing up and creating plays
We are a growing and relatively young club and any comments and feedback
is always welcome. Also, if you would like to help during any of the
sessions or have a talent or skill you could share please let us know!
List of Holidays
Click here to view the list of holidays....
