The nursery programs for
children, aged 3 to 5 is child-oriented towards practical applications,
social development and acquiring the skills, knowledge and understanding
required to interact in a changing world. Encouragement and support are
provided for children to achieve their full potential in caring
stimulating learning environment.
We pronounce to provide quality education with high expectation and
committed to delivering education. We strive to provide safety, happy,
nurturing and learning environment.
The curriculum is designed to ensure the all-round development of each
student. The curriculum is comprehensive, practical and stresses the
importance of experimentation in learning. Students are encouraged to
develop a well round personality and not just to excel in academics.
While the program in nursery is structured, it is also sufficiently
flexible to meet the varying needs of individual students.
We commit to develop moral and cultural values, skills, ethics, and
confidence need to grow into exceptional adults. Social Day Boarding
School, Jalandhar has a learning education and committed to play the
pathfinder’s role.
Section (I-V)
Foundation in reading,
creative writing, communication, science and mathematics are established
and strengthened in a caring and stimulating environment, where in the
learning process is made positive and meaning full. In addition to
individual study, students also participate in group-work at this stage,
which encourages the development of cooperative and team working skills.
It is here that we step in to facilitate and ensure that the child
misses out on none of the above. To see that his/her class-work and an
enquiring bent of mind go hand-in-hand we endeavor to foster appropriate
skills and abilities to enable the optimum development of the child,
according to their age, ability and aptitude, right from their primary
Objectives of the Middle Year Faculty:
To help the child
develop a happy and positive learning
To foster an attitude
of adjustment to the learning environment
To make the student a
confident and an independent learner
To help the student
develop and maintain intrinsic motivation-resulting in
self-initiated, self directed activity
To teach the students
tolerance and show respect for others
To teach them ethics,
politeness and etiquettes
To help them learn to
imbibe independent learning and assimilate positive habits
Middle Section
The Middle
years are Grades VI-VIII. The transition phase is the phase when a
student passes through a Critical period of Physical, Mental and
Emotional Change; from Childhood to Adolescence. At Social Model Senior
Secondary School, we understand this balance and realize the need to
stay alert focused to make it a learning phase especially for the
emotional equilibrium which will sustain them for life.
We design classroom presentations to meet the students’ needs and
abilities. The Middle Years faculty works with students individually.
Teachers plan, evaluate and assign lessons; prepare, administer, and
grade tests.
Objectives of the Middle
Year Faculty:
To offer a solid base
in the academic areas to cater to the varying needs of students and
prepare them for high school
To offer students the
opportunity to explore a wide range of different disciplines
To provide a platform
to the students to develop their leadership traits, sense of
responsibility and decision -making ability
To provide
opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular
activities such as drama, debate, athletics with emphasis on
participation rather than competition
To enable students to
learn and integrate technology and its application with other
High School
The High School Proposes to provide pupils
with the very best of globally accepted education for Grades IX-X.
During these years, students prepare themselves for their entrance into
the world of senior higher education in accordance with their Academic
Inclination and caliber.
Objectives at
the final stage (where they have to leave the portals) of the school are
designed to:
Counsel and prepare the students for
higher education
Help them enter the university of their
choice by providing them with the sound academic and organizational
Further improvise and improve the hands
on application based learning skills for tackling real life
Foster the spirit of inter-community
harmony – live and let live policy
We, therefore strive to
provide education that will enable the students to optimize their
physical and mental development and ensure a healthy and vigorous life
full of zeal and enthusiasm.
The world speaks to me in
colors, my soul answers in music.
Rabindranath Tagore
Today the Art Section is home
to around 1,500 students from all corners of the state who study a range
of alternative courses in a creative, community environment, taking
inspiration from specialist staff and each other.
We place importance on experiment and generating creative surprise. We
have a playful yet serious approach to media, materials and processes.
We are intellectually and academically challenging. We have mutual
respect for each other’s disciplines and foster an art and design
community within the school and the city. We are creative,
unconventional and professional.
Our close link with the city, its creative communities and cultural
institutions is a vital element of our School. The scope of activities
within the School connects us with an unusually wide range of external
organizations, including industrial, commercial and professional bodies,
arts associations and galleries. And our advisory board, consisting of
talented individuals and artists from a range of areas, ensures our
future plans are informed by the needs of cultural organizations and
creative industries.
Art School – Future
Recognizing how important it is to move with the times and provide an
environment that is in touch with the real world, This cutting edge
facilities will not only provide our students with state of the art
resources but drive forward the City's 'Cultural Ambition' strategy for
social and economic growth.
Our teaching staff are acknowledged artists, lecturers and industry
professionals and programs offered are full-time fully accredited
diplomas through to short introductory courses.
House system
The school
has a flourishing House system with each House participating in over 60
different activities throughout the year. These wide ranging activities
enable all students to find a way to support their Houses. Activities
include a variety of sports, maths challenges, cooking, graphic design,
literature, quizzes and many more.
The House system at Social Convent School has 3 principal aims:
grouping of children, giving them a chance to make friends and have
contact with other children who are up to six or seven years their
elder or junior.
Involving as many children as possible in worthwhile activities
beyond the classroom.
Providing opportunities for pupils to accept responsibility for
organizing teams, events and assemblies. House captains are chosen
from each of the year groups to take a particular lead in this area.
that make outstanding contributions to their Houses are rewarded through
the awarding of House certificates and House Colors in the House
assemblies that take place every term. Every event earns House Points
which are collected over the year and regularly updated on the House
notice boards.
The House with the most points at the end of year is presented with the
House Trophy at Sports Day, which is always the highlight of the House
calendar. On this day, students are encouraged to come to school in
their House Colors. Any money raised from events such as this is donated
to charities which are nominated by the House Colors.
The House system is an important part of life at The Social Convent
School and students that take part enjoy a richer variety of school
School has 4 houses, clubs consisting of students as collective members
to maintain the discipline of school name Cambridge Pioneer for girls.
Duties of Oxford & Cerritos for boys include take care of school
environment, plantation of trees & for many other activities.
There is a
rich and rewarding (and really exciting) life outside the classroom at
Social Day Boarding’s. Clubs and societies that meet at lunchtime
include Computing, Chess, Debating, Art, Science, in addition to the
music and sports activities. These all add to the student experience at
our school. If we do not offer something that students would like, then
we encourage them to start up a club themselves.
Drama at school is exceptional with three productions per year including
a full musical production. Beyond the school boundaries there are
numerous opportunities including language exchanges and visits to our
partner school in India.
Students also have the opportunity to participate in the Award scheme.
Life as a student at Social Convent’s is varied, stimulating and utterly
List of Holidays
Click here to view the list of holidays....
